You mean like the West didn't support Chechnya?
I'm getting deja-vu about that one (initial Russian attack crushed, Russians return and try to destroy everything).
I'd like to think the result will be different.
Ukraine is already an internationally recognized country with internationally recognized borders. I's 40m people; Chechnya had maybe 1m
I would expect the Russians to try to do the same (still Putin), but it's clear the Ukranian military took lessons - which is probably why they've gone on the offensive: drive them out before they can attempt another "crush everything / terrorize civilians" campaign. Also, they've been training with NATO since 2014 (verry different doctrine - which the Chechens didn't have)
Once the Russians are off Ukranian soil, I'd expect an influx of higher-tech weapons (I think the reason it hasn't happened as of yet is the issue of training: send NATO troops in to train or reduce Ukranian forces so they can send trainees out - but WTH do I know?) Anyway, that higher tech gear will make a Russian re-invasion (a la Chechnya) a much heavier lift.