Writing an additional response as any chances of actually going to California wine/oil country have, um… diminished— so I’ve been shopping online.
I've just received a gallon of Sonoma Farms EVOO. It’s IMO spectacular — particularly if you like arbequina.
I wasn’t sure we could use this gallon up in under a year, so I decided I’d do what the fancy oil stores do and protect the surface of the oil from oxygen with a layer of argon (a heavier than air inert gas). Also common for wine preservation. The wine stores carry cans of argon; it’s pretty expensive — but I found someone on eBay selling argon for preserving unused paints and finishes. Much cheaper than the foo-foo ones for wine, and 100% argon is 100% argon, no matter what’s printed on the outside. I’m using this on my fancy-ass balsamic vinegar as well.