>>Will Trump end democracy in America? ... (The answers are ... possibly.)
He's going to give it a hell of a try. Last time, the "deep state" (civil servants doing their jobs) thwarted him. This time he and his fellow travelers have the 2025 Project. Read the linked Wikipedia page, but the TL;DR of it is that they're planning to stuff the Executive Branch the same way they've managed to stuff the Supreme Court. Also remember that the FDA is part of the EB. From their ‘manifesto’:
In Project 2025’s manifesto, Roger Severino writes that the FDA is “ethically and legally obliged to revisit and withdraw its initial approval” of mifepristone and misoprostol.
Bright side: voters seem to be more concerned with abortion than whether the US continues to have a working democracy (although, given the Big Sort and gerrymandering it could be argued that it isn’t working all that well right now). And that issue (potential for a federal abortion ban) might be a motivator to get people to the polls. Fingers crossed. To paraphrase: “evil only requires that good people do nothing” — and in this case not voting is very much doing nothing.
Apologies for the screed, but people don’t seem to be taking the 2025 project seriously enough. They’re telling us exactly what they plan to do, similar to Mein Kampf (My Plan) and it’s just as scary.