>>While waiting in line...a patron near me complain.. police officer standing by the door... hard booted kick to the man’s head
So, the patron was lying on the floor or the officer did something you'd see in a martial arts flick (?)
Just wondering...
>>Members of NATO promise to nuke Russia if Russia nukes any of its members.
You might want to reread NATO's Article 5. I've just done so - and I don't see where it mandates a nuclear response to anything. This without getting into Ukraine not being a NATO member and any potential Russian nuke strike happening there.
Members of the Russian rocket forces understand that a successful first strike (in the sense of ensuring there's no overwhelming response) isn't possible. They have families who would perish.
Personally, I think it's time for NATO to change policy to define anywhere military attacks against a sovereign nation to be potentially subject to a similar retaliatory response without violating the "defensive only" policy that has kept longer-ranged NATO weapons systems out of Ukrainian hands.