…what she ran on in the first place-for big structural change within the institutions of government against corruption and crony capitalism
Warren supporter here. This is exactly why I wanted her as president. Well that, and demonstrated competence.
I’ve had issues with Sander’s ability to get things done (got a list of the bills he’s sponsored and gotten passed?). I also have issues with him calling himself a ‘socialist’ when he (and Warren) are really New Deal Democrats. The word ‘socialist’ is toxic to pretty much anyone alive after the fall of the Berlin Wall and saw what an utter mess the Soviets had made of their economy. They had few of the freedoms we take for granted here, and little governmental transparency. There’s a reason why older voters find ‘socialism’ somewhat terrifying.
Then there’s the somewhat older voters (like me) who lived through the Cold War — and ‘mutually assured destruction’ — which meant that the entire world could end with about a half hour’s notice. IMO, not nearly as psychologically damaging as not knowing if you’d live through each school day (shooters) but the word ‘Socialists’ and the USSR got demonized, so ‘socialism’ might also be hated by some (who really have no idea what it is).
Finally, that snake emoji I’ve hear that some Sanders supporters were using for Warren. If that’s true, well, Trump has his ‘deplorables’ — and it looks like Sanders might have his as well.
TLDR: Warren supporter here. Sanders? No f’ing way in the primary.