Warburg is quite an interesting character. Sam Apple's biography "Ravenous" is worth a read.
That said, Warburg posited that cancer was a disease of metabolic disfunction: cancer cells consumed only glucose because that's all they could do.
It's turning out to be much more nuanced than that - but the glucose connection is still there. I've read some papers indicating that the initial issue comes more from insulin (and IGF) that is helping the cells resist apoptosis. Recently, @Nadin Brzezinski suggested Ben Bikman's "Why We get Sick", which lays out the connection between hyperinsulinemia and many chronic diseases. It's written for laypeople but has quite a good bibliography (good for the super-curious, like me). I've read numerous studies in this area and had been trying to assemble them all into a framework; Bikman does a better job of doing this than I can.