Victory of Ukraine over Russian invaders, without direct NATO intervention means that Ukraine, as a nation, is not 'officially' beholden to NATO. I see that as a very good thing as it puts them in a position to offer their future neutrality to Russia - and possibly follow the route of Finland.
That said, even now, we need to start focusing on rebuilding - effectively a one-country Marshall plan. That plan, post WWII was presented as a way to limit the spread of 'Communism' (I find the actual intent unclear, but that's how it was sold to Congress). Given the way Russia has gotten the attention of the West, I'd expect this plan could be sold similarly.
I'm looking forward to a strong independent Ukraine, which may or may not join NATO or the EU.
Speaking of the EU, I saw an interesting proposal a couple of weeks ago: Ukraine doesn't join the EU (at least not now) but Ukrainians can (in the sense of EU passports, right of free travel and workplace. Seems an interesting compromise.
BTW, I saw a T-shirt recently with the logo "will trade racists for refugees". (Beau of the Fifth Column on youtube - spectacularly insightful commentary coming from a bearded guy in a garage)