>>...This time around, it seems to be illegals and other Russian spies.
I've wondered about this. I'm sure there were some 'assets' mixed into the flood of Russians fleeing mobilization. Any in 'deep cover' since the days of the USSR have to be at least Putin's age - and given that they stayed under cover through the fall of the USSR suggests that they stayed for personal reasons rather than political loyalty to a country that no longer existed - so the RF might be using blackmail to lever them into action. Might an announcement of amnesty towards people under cover so long make that blackmail less effective?
I've also read that the RF is advertising on the 'dark web' to hire people to do sabotage. If that's true, couldn't western agencies 'flood the zone' with many advertisments, essentially sting operations? There has to be a limit to how many people are willing to do this for pay