A ‘polarizing UV filter’? Really? News to me that such a thing exists. UV filters used to be used for film photography (won’t get into the why here) but are no longer needed as digital sensors have a built-in UV filter.
There certainly are both linear and circular polarizing filter (you need the circular for any camera that ‘splits’ the incoming light with a mirror, otherwise linear is fine). Both of those reduce reflections by working as a gateway for polarized light (reflected light is polarized, rotating the filter either allows or blocks light polarized at that angle). Grab two polarizers and rotate one relative to the other. You can go from pretty much all light passed to pretty much all blocked. Variable ND filters work this way.
I find polarizers particularly useful if to reduce reflected glare (e.g. wet foliage) as the glare obscures the actual colors underneath, and those colors are not recoverable in post