Mueller said there was no evidence to indict any American for collusion. Funny how you continue to live in denial about that.
There are a number of convicted Trump associates. If you read the report, you’d know that Mueller explicitly did not exonerate the president — and made it clear that accusing the President was not within the scope Rosenstein gave him. I’d wait for the unredacted report before being so sure. Also, because of the way Rosenstein set things up, nobody ever did a full counter-intel or ‘follow the money’. That’ll all come out — eventually.
The IG report ripped the FBI/DOJ collusion investigation.
Not true. What they ripped was a failure to follow FISA procedure on Carter Page.
You are putting words in my mouth: I don’t say “libtard”. Your inability to stick to facts and need to make up false accusations makes my point.
Saying ‘Democrat cities’ makes you sound like you use ‘libtard’. Just a pointer on things that kill any attempt you might make to persuade someone not already in your clan. Quote the sentence where I said you use that word, if you can.
Oh, I know, you will tell me they are mostly peaceful protests.
True enough — mostly. But neither of us has to worry about getting killed just because we’ve got a taillight out.
There is looting and arson: stop denying it.
There certainly was. And it seems to me to be very much an overreaction, but I’m a white guy — I have no clue as to the Black lived experience.
There was no Russian collusion conspiracy with Trump: no evidence of it was ever found.
I think what we’ll see once the rest of the report is unredacted is that the Trump campaign was trying to conspire, but the Russians were too cagy to get inept conspirators involved.
Democrats did defund the police in Minneapolis, Seattle, and New York.
Dunno about NYC, but otherwise yes. But ‘defunding’ is just moving responsibilities like people in crisis from mental illness away from the police (who, AFAIK would prefer to focus on keeping people safe / catching bad guys) to trained professionals. We’re in the middle of the same thing in my little town outside Boston. The guys on the force I’ve spoken with are delighted to have stuff like this off their shoulders.
I also think you should stop conflating Trump’s foreign policy with that of Establishment Republicans.
Never did that. Reading comprehension? I was mentioning that I did not think he was going to get us into another war, followed up with that being a very common thing with R administrations (provided examples I lived through)
He won by promising to overturn their policies.
Calling BS on this one. He promised, yes, but totally screwed the ‘little guy’ with the tax bill.
He has got us into zero new war.
Not disputing that, although killing that Iranian general could easily have started a shooting war
Aaaaand I think I’m done with this conversation. You aren’t going to convince me that Trump is a good President (or even a decent human being) and you are pretty locked into what you believe, although I’m quite uninterested in changing your mind. We’ll see what happens in the election!