>>The tallest living person today stands at 8' 3" tall. Both of these people would be considered giants in any era
If you are saying 'giants' in the past were about that size, there's no reason why not. People didn't typically live far into their 40s, and many issues with giantism don't appear before that.
As far as a race of giants, I have doubts, mostly around female pelvic size (unless a full skeleton has been discovered?)
But that's 'giants' in that size range; there are limits to how large a land mammal can get. Skeletal/joint issues to the side, it's a matter of both heat and O2/CO2 exchange. So I don't see giants in the relative size of Gulliver to the Lilliputians to be a possibility.
I was thinking about this recently when wondering HTH did dinosaurs manage to be so big? Turns out, they most probably were built a lot like birds (lots of air sacks and some hollow bones) which figures as birds pretty much *are* dinosaurs.
Just my $0.02