>>...the reasoning was that meat increases the risk of developing diabetes type 2. ...It doesn’t, of course.
That depends on your population; carriers of at least one SNP face a higher risk of T2DM depending on their saturated fat intake*.
On the other hand, if you're consuming ALA and expect your body to turn that into EPA/DHA your efficiency at doing that goes down as you replace saturated fats with unsaturated ones.
And then there's a different metabolic pathway for saturated fats with *odd* numbered carbon chains (C:15 and C:17 are found in dairy and ruminant meat) - and there's a growing body of work indicating that C:15 has positive effects - and it could be an essential (meaning we need to get it in our diets) fatty acid, like the n/omega-3s.
It's a rabbit-hole I've somewhat been resisting. :-)
*the GWAS was not at all clear as to whether those SFAs included odd-chain ones, but I'd guess not.