The English colonies along the Atlantic seaboard were spectacularly different as they came from different parts of what is now the UK at different times and from different social strata.
Those differences have somewhat persisted up to current times . IMO a lot of our current national disfunction stems from this.. Anyway, Colin Woodard (who posts here on Medium has written a good bit about how those cultures have spread and mixed a bit across the continent. Possibly good news: you can pick up and more to a different 'nation' with no passport / visa / Phd program required. Go read some Woodard (if you want the actual details on the different colonial folkways, check David Hackett Fisher's Albion's Seed. Warning: it's a slog.).
This is not to minimize the difficulties in moving across country, or adjusting to the new culture, but the language is pretty much the same. But for some of us, notably those people on Medicare, this is likely the only choice.
Oh - and if you're in a mixed race marriage and are looking for a place where you won't get side-eye, spend a little time in Hawai'i and you might want to stay. Mixed is the norm there. A lot of kids are half-something (hapa haoli) - and it's just... normal. BTW/FWIW, young Barry Obama grew up there, went to the Punaho school in Honolulu, down the street from where my MIL lived. I'd sometimes play pick up basketball with the kids there, and they were all shades. They were all better than me in spite of wearing 'slippahs' (flip flops).