That's a potential 'read' on the origins of the 2nd Ammendment, but not one any of the authors mentioned in their writings. Not possible to prove a negative, but I haven't seen any, would welcome a correction if there's a scholar out there with a reference, say out of Adams' or Jefferson's papers.
By the time de Toqueville was in the US, the Constitution was already history. The SC decision on whether it was an individual or state right had to wait until the 1900s, well after there'd been a civil war.
I'd look at Crèvecoeur's 'Letters from an American Farmer', particularly the last one "Distresses of a Frontier Man" for more contemporaneous colonial views on Native Americans (to be fair, he was in New York, very different from Virginia or the Carolinas (check Fisher's "Albion's Seed" for an exhaustive analysis of each colony's 'culture')