Team dark meat here. I've been that way since I was a kid. I've known it was about fat content, hadn't made the connection between long twitch and short twitch
I never understood the general preference for white meat - maybe it's a holdover from the 'fat is bad' nonsense(?)
That said, if you're cooking a whole chicken, focus on finishing the white meat before the remains go into the fridge as the dark keeps better.
If you're roasting and can track internal temperature (e.g. with a remote thermometer probe), take the bird out of the oven before it hits 165 (safe temp). I take mine out and the temp continues to 'coast' upwards (really heat in the outer layers migrating in) . Mine comes out at 154, goes up to 165 or 6. YMMV; watch the temp after it comes out. My point is that if you take it out at 165, the internal temp will rise past 175 - and you've made the white meat inedible. So maybe don't do that?
Also, let the bird sit out for a full half hour (or longer) before you carve it. Carving too soon means a lot of the juices that would have reabsorbed into the white meat end up on your carving board - and you've made the white meat inedible. So maybe don't do that, either?