>>What’s a feature of our bodies that seems like a terrible evolutionary choice to you?
Hands down, it's retaining DNA in the mitochondria. It's not protected in a nucleus; there are no proofreading/repair mechanisms.
>>Sum it up: balls to the wall
Off topic trivia: that phrase was about something called a "governor" on steam engines. The balls were on a mechanical linkage that spun with the speed of the engine. They were held in with springs, pulled outward by centrifugal force. As the engine went faster, the balls would more outward - and that outward motion would drive a linkage to open a valve that reduced pressure. There was an enclosure around this governor, both to protect people and the device itself - and there was no point in building that enclosure larger than needed, so, as the balls got towards the inner walls of the enclosure, the engine was past max speed towards the point where it would damage itself. So "balls to the wall" was a way to say "beyond recommended full speed". As a side note, staying at that speed for any period of time introduced some risk both to the engine and to the operator.