Speaking of no-zipper pants, if you find a pair of jeans that fit comfortably, maybe wear those?
I've spent the entire pandemic in a few pairs of Wrangler 13MWZ (men's western zipper) and, because they fit me comfortably, they're as comfortable as soft pants - and they have pockets stuff doesn't fall out of. About all they don't do is offer the full range of motion that soft pants (or short sailing shorts) do. I switch to those shorts when I need 'em (like on a rowing machine or for yoga).
I went though the whole PITA process of finding the 'right' jeans for me years before there was a pandemic. (needed something that'd be comfortable for hours on a motorcycle). Now that I know exactly what works for me, I can buy them a half dozen at a time (my wife calls this "male buying pattern")
BTW/FWIW, if it turns out that the 'perfect' jeans for you are from Wrangler, check out Shepler's (in Kansas, but they're online) for all the intermediate sizes and really good prices.
TL:DR Ditch fashion jeans - but there are alternatives out there that are both comfortable and loads cheaper.
Oh, and hurray for ditching heels! I never really understood how women could bear wearing those toe-crushing, posture damaging, stability degrading things. Yeah, they make your legs look a little longer and your butt stick out. So? Do you still care about that?