Speaking of global warming, China's going to be having difficulty getting petroleum products. They're at the end of a loooong shipping route that goes past a number of their not-friends (e.g. India, Phillipines, Vietnam) and don't have a navy able to secure the entire thing. The Chinese were looking to expand 'belt and road' (which otherwise has been IMO a disaster for them) to include a pipeline through Pakistan. The Pak government is cooperative, but it needs to run through 'tribal' areas, and the Taliban there are willing to allow it - for a 5% cut of everything. So warming related: this means they're probably going to be forced to switch back to the soft / dirty (sulfur) coal deposits they have locally. This is about the worst thing to burn for energy. The only potential bright side (if you can think of it that way) is that a lot of the energy-use that got pushed off to them will be re-shored to N. America.
IMO, this is all part of the US backing away from Bretton Woods, which has been ongoing since the collapse of the USSR - and part of BW is securing sea lanes. It's an interesting time to be alive (unfortunately, 'interesting' in the Chinese "may you live in interesting times" sense).