Sorry, but you lost credibility with me when you claimed that conquering Kiev was never part of the plan. Makes me think you are just using RF talking points to get readers to read and respond (and it worked — here I am. :-)
That to the side, there are some interesting things going on with the RF vs UA artillery duels. The RF has guns grouped together in a ‘battery’, which is SOP for most artilleries (makes sense for control and logistical reasons) BUT the UA is playing from a different rulebook. Instead of grouping guns, they’re distributed. They’re using an app a bit like what Uber uses to dispatch drivers to assign guns targets, probably connected via Starlink. Those guns fire a few rounds, then change location (AKA "shoot and scoot"). making it difficult for the grouped RF artillery to hit one of the UA guns and near impossible to hit them all with return fire.
Distributing gun crews is possible because of the West-inspired decision-making process in the UA army - but they’ve taken it a step further and now the West has lessons to take from the UA. I'm pretty sure they are, and standard doctrine is shifting.
From my reading, the RF is really good at standard / traditional artillery. They practice for this, and their rigid command structure works well in an artillery battery. BUT the current artillery duels are anything but standard.