Interesting — and unexpected (the best kind of findings).
Somewhat off this particular topic, but oncology-related: Have you been tracking the work of Michael Levin? He's a biologist looking at inter-cellular communication in both embryology and regeneration, but there's application for oncology. Pointing it out as I found his work via a fascination with evolutionary developmental biology (AKA 'Evo-Devo') which you probably haven't had the time for.
The oncology connection has to do with Levin's work in 'bioelectric' (similar to nerve cell synapses) communication among groups of cells to decide, for instance, what cells become the lens of an eye (appears to be forced recruitment. More oncology-related, he’s used similar techniques to override a group of implanted cancer cells, forcing them to behave as 'normal' (non oncogene) cells (the way those developing cells were recruited into being parts of an eye lens). A number of his presentations have made their way to YouTube (might be the fastest way to see what his work is about). Not nearly as dynamic a speaker as Peter Attia, but who is?