So we're going from non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to non-fungible users (NFUs).
Fungible in the sense of interchangeable, in case you need to look that up.
If you're reading Twitter simply to have Tweets from people like King and AOC appear in your daily timeline, Mastodon is a good alternative. If you're reading it to get a daily gestalt of what's happening in the world via the rise and fall of hashtags, it's pretty much not. The challenge is getting people like King and AOC to also post to Mastodon.
And Mastodon doesn't have an 'algorithm' to introduce you to things you might be interested in. That's a pro or a con, depending on how you feel about other people having control of what you see.
And it has no advertisers, so you're either on a server run by someone out of idealistic impulses, or you're on your own, paying for your own domain (about $10/year) and hardware / connectivity costs (via Digital Ocean, it's $6/mo - if you have your own gear already up and running for other reasons, it's effectively free). But 'no advertisers' means you're no longer the product, nobody is selling access to your eyeballs/attention). For me, that's an unmitigated positive, but you might feel differently,
Therre are multiple mobile apps for Mastodon, but I haven't found a really good one, but the web UI for mobile access is quite good.