>>Russia... will ultimately shoot for a two-million-man army.
I'd question whether their economy (pre-sanctions about the size of Italy's) can afford that, both as spending money to arm/equip/feed and workforce reduction. As it is, they've lost about 1M to out-migration (two different waves so far, one aprox .5M, the next .7M - first wave was people with 'portable' skills, which probably hurt more).
As it is, there have been pay issues with primarily mobilized soldiers, but also with the contracted ones. At a guess, men are less willing to be mobilized or sign a contract if they aren't going to be paid. And what happens to unrest in non-ethnic-Russian oblasts when men are forced to go with no compensation to families?
I'd put this two-million-man army down to either saber rattling or simply that they're inept enough to think they can successfully do this.