>>...Russia paid for the drones in gold, not currency
Not surprising as Russia has a huge gold stockpile. as I understand it, nobody outside Rus knows what it is. I'd appreciate being corrected on that one, BTW.
The puzzle all along has been what is Russia paying Iran with. It had to be something the Iranians wanted. They probably don't want US dollars for ideological reasons, so it comes down to technology (as in the Rus lofting satellites for them or nuclear weapons knowhow) or gold.
I'm rather glad it wasn't nuclear weapons knowhow...
Also, I join you in not understanding why Russia isn't already labeled a terrorist state.
Finally, I'd lay the blame for US inaction to 1) the Constitution having been *intentionally* built to make getting something done difficult, and 2) about a dozen (maybe fewer) Representatives in the house, egged on by Orange Mussolini - who is why the remainder haven't deserted the about-a-dozen to work with the Dems.