>>Primitive rifles from the 1880s:
To be fair, what the Russians call Mosin's rifle was first issued to Russian troops then, but the model has been in continuous use since. Multiple (subtle) upgrades. I've looked at some photos of mobiki and it's really hard to figure what era they're from. I've shot a couple of examples (paper targets) and they're a pretty decent rifle. The Soviets used them as sniper rifles, which might say something. Speaking of 1880s, I used to compete with handguns. (AKA "loud darts") I mostly used a Colt .45 model 1911. The model indicates the first year the military put it into service. Mine was very much not made in 1911, but if someone looked at it they could probably figure out that it was at least as new as 1950 as that's when Colt started making that variant.