>>omega-3 fatty acids ...
>> n-3 PUFAs
For anyone wondering this is just different ways to name the same thing. Omega-3s are so named because first double bond is between the third and fourth carbon atoms from the end of the carbon atom chain ("omega" means "last" as it’s the last letter in the Greek alphabet).
An organic chemist would use 'n' for the last atom in a chain (as in 'there are n atoms in this chain').
PUFA is an acronym for Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acid, so 'fatty acid' is just dropping the 'poly' (but we still know it's there).
So… if you didn't know — now you do (credits to Trevor Noah for the phrase).
As a sidenote, I’d mention that PUFAs are susceptible to oxidative damage, so if you’re spending money on fish oil — put it in the fridge.