Neandertal health trivia. The remains found at La Chapelle-aux-Saints (called La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 or "the old man") is of a 40 year old Neandertal who'd suffered catastrophic injury (something that would have prevented him from hunting, foraging, or even protecting himself from predators) who then lived about a decade post-injury. So, the other members of his band provided food and predator overwatch for an unproductive member for years. This was found in 1908 - and there has been no parallel found demonstrating that our lineage (sapiens) did the same. Arguably, there was more digging going on in Europe than Africa, but it's been more than a hundred years for that to appear - so the next time you see a picture of a hulking, primitive 'Neandertal', remember that they were as or more 'humane' as our ancestors.
Back to AMPs - I can't help but wonder if this behavior happened because they could survive catastrophic injury. I would *guess* that "the old man" suffered at least one compound fracture (something often fatal without antibiotics).
Just a thought...