Multiple thoughts here, apologies for jamming them all in one comment.
First off, from my reading of Homer three-ish decades ago, Casandra did try to warn Agamemnon.
Then thinking about the future. If you're familiar with Michael Levin of the evo-devo world (most likely via his concept of bioelectricity being the means that individual cells in an embryo or regenerating limb 'know' where to go) has had some things to say about agency and timeframes. His take (and I'm medium convinced) is that all living things (including individual cells in a multicellular organism) have agency that they apply over periods of time. For instance, rotifers a minute, planaria are a few minutes, goldfish hours, dogs maybe a day or two. One of his throwaway points was that humans are pretty much the only organism that has a timeframe longer than its lifetime. I haven't found any papers he's written on this (plenty on bioelectricity IMO very much worth a read) so I'm going on his comments on the podcast "Big Biology" (I'm a major fan of that 'cast, BTW).
I’m not at all surprised there’s a Gaussian curve as to the timeframes people use.
Finally, on predicting the future. Geopolitics - looking at geography, including internal and external transport, amount of quality arable soil (so population density), demographics and technology might, if applied rigorously, offer some probabilities of future outcomes on a broad scale (populations in geographical areas, not individual people).
Just my $0.02