>>Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
I can't help but wonder if there's a connection to chronic exposure to mold spores here. Glad you've dealt with that.
That said, one of the things mast cells emit is histamine, so you might be taking an antihistamine to counter that. Bringing this up as I've seen studies that show a correlation between the 'first-generation' H1 blockers (e.g. diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine) and dementia so you might want toconsider steering clear of those. To be fair, some people use H1 blockers as sleep aids so the studies might just be showing a connection between poor sleep and dementia...
Also, agreed 100% on no shoes or barefoot shoes. I tend to wear Crocs around the community. We're all no-shoes-in-the-house and Crocs are dead easy to step out of on the way in and back into on the way out. And the 'specialist' is available without any holes, useful if I'm shoveling snow.