Live in Idaho? Know anyone unvaccinated? Chances are, they don't know what "triage" means.
It started out in the Civil War as a way to conserve medical resources.
Patients were separated into three groups (hence the "tri" in triage).
1) going to live anyway - not treated
2) going to die anyway - not treated
3) probably going to live, but only with medical intervention - treated
So... if that unvaccinated person thinks they're going to get special treatment because they're a smoker or obese, make sure they understand what triage is - and that they'll likely be sent home.
That said, not getting vaccinated is so, so unfair to medical personnel. My heart goes out to them - particularly in Idaho. I'd say I hoped it was military doctors doing the triage - but the VA has a less than stellar record when it comes to PTSD.