Khodorkovsky also spoke in more detail about the ideas of rebuilding the country in the book How to Kill a Dragon.
I was a bit disappointed to learn that he only planned a Russian version as his previous 'Conundrum' was pretty good. It turns out that there's an English translation available online. I would guess that it's an authorized version as it's on
BTW/FWIW (trivia), there’s another ‘How to Kill a Dragon’ book out there which has nothing to do with this one — that one seems to be about ‘comparative poetics’. I guess if the English translation gets published there won’t be a lot of confusion — or they’ll swap in ‘Slay’ in place of ‘Kill’ — as ‘slaying’ a dragon seems to be more common usage (an old usage we’ve hung onto: knights of old slaying dragons and all that — without getting into how that probably comes from the French).