Just what was mentioned in the interview. The link to the interview on Peter's webpage is here: https://peterattiamd.com/roneshsinha/ (#69 if you're using something like PodcastAddict to subscribe). Yeah, it's way, way back, but I'm trying to find time to work my way through 'em all (one of the very few downsides of not commuting - and now commuting less)
I've 'joined' the site, but am not a 'subscriber', so I'm pretty sure I don't have access to the "show notes". I am considering subscribing, though. If I was still working full time in high tech, it'd be a no-brainer. Ah, well...
[edit] it wasn't a link between insulin resistance in general and intellectual growth, but intra-uterine insulin resistance - as evidenced by a particular phenotype. [/edit]