I've read the AAA was originally founded as a way for motorists to avoid speed-trap towns on the route between NY and FL (theory was that if drivers refused to spend money in those towns, merchants would pressure local government to stop speed-trapping). It seemed to work. (note that this was pre-Interstate)
It doesn't make a lot of sense to do similar for counties that voted for trump. The AAA was helping motorists avoid unfair traffic tickets and pressure towns to stop revenue harvesting by issuing them. What would refusing to spend money in red counties do? Remember that in counties that voted 60% red, there is 40% that did not (and they're probably feeling beleaguered enough as it is).
I do think it makes sense for an organization (e.g. the AAA) to produce routes based on Covid19 risk, warning of areas with high infection rates and no (or unenforced) mask mandate. This simply for the safety of drivers and their passengers - and it might push local (or in the case of FL and TX, state) governments into taking this virus a bit more seriously. Now that there are Interstates, maybe we can add "drive past" to the lexicon?