It's not even clear that the authors of the 2nd amendment intended it to constitute an individual's right to bear arms - if you read it, it had more to do with individual states having their own militias (pretty much the way the UK had the right to have their own armed forces even though they were (temporarily) part of the EU. (The US system of federalism isn't super different from the EU.)
This was decided by our supreme court, back in the 30s, and again, more recently. See for details.
But, something decided by the supreme court can be changed by another decision (something people depending on the Roe v Wade decision to guarantee the right to choose an abortion are very, very aware of). So, there's a possibility that we in the US could collectively come to our senses, get rid of this situation.
BTW/FWIW, I grew up in a gun household, competed with a handgun when I was a teen (think very, very loud darts, minus the pub - and pints, if any, would come after, off the range - loser buys). But the situation is beyond crazy, even for gun owners.