Interesting that you'd put the end of Bretton Woods at 73. Inasmuch as it was a bribe to keep nations out of the Soviet orbit, the Nixon administration's admission of China was more of the same. I'd put the end somewhere between the collapse of the USSR and the rise of US petro self-sufficiency (shale oil 'revolution'). The only reason for the US to continue spending on BW post collapse was dependence on Persian Gulf energy. That reason disappeared as the US became a net petro exporter, and the 2008 recession put an end to it - but it's been happening since the Bush Sr administration.
The US no longer has the number of midrange craft (destroyers, cruisers) to maintain blue water trade protection for all (Bretton Woods); instead, it's invested in carrier groups which have more to do with power projection and forward defense.
Just my take on it.