“I have never understood why it is “greed” to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else’s money.” — Thomas Sowell
Interesting that you’d bring up greed — particularly as McConnell has stated that he doesn’t want to “bail out blue states”.
So… lets take a look at who has been getting bailed out. Have a look at the Rockefeller Institute of Government Balance of Payments Portal, which lays out in a graphic way which states are receiving more from the fed gov’t than they are paying in, and vice-versa. It’s interactive — go check it out. Notice how what are considered solid blue states pay a good bit more in than they get back?
On top of that, the changes in the deductibility of local and state taxes on federal taxes syphons even more from those states.
But McConnel has issues ‘bailing them out’.
I’ll leave it to you to decide on greed.