>>.... Initially, Israel was going to equip new formations with this Russian gear. However, while Israel has done that in the past, it opens a logistics can of worms.
Not to mention that ex-Sov gear, compared with current Israeli issue is, as the Brits say 'a bit rubbish'. Israel is like the US in that the focus is on not putting Israeli lives at risk over spending on newer/better weapons systems - a major reason the US has old weapons systems we're *never* going to put in the field. Might as well ship them to Ukraine, save money on storage and eventual safe disposal.
For an example of that Israeli focus on not risking lives look at their MBT, (the Merkava) which seems to have more focus on crew survivability than, say, the Abrams or Leopard as the engine pack is in front, behind quite a bit of armor.
Just sayin'