In that paste-up / composite at the end the side lighting of the subjects jumps out. I wonder this just pops out for me and other folks who mostly see lighting(?)
As I remember, a couple/three decades ago, there was an online photolibrary starting up with both subjects and backgrounds for composition, sorted by lighting angle. No idea if it actually happened.
Agreed on framing - but, as you mention, painters don't have to move around for composition - they can just put something in the right spot. Neither do they have to wait for the right day for atmospheric perspective, they can just add it in (e.g. any landscape by DaVinci). Ditto perfect natural lighting.
For anyone starting out with landscape photography, go look at paintings. There's really quite a lot to be learned. Go to some gallery openings; you'll have a lot to discuss with the artist (chances are they're just as nerdy about this stuff as we are). Prepare to ditch any preconceptions you might have about 'art appreciation' being boring. :-)