I'm one of those folks with issues with the subscription model. I paid for upgrades (usually every other one - unless a new version came out with a feature I really had a use for). When Adobe went subscription with PS, I had an option to go that way - or upgrade to CS6. I got CS6. I'm a software business veteran, and it's pretty clear that software as a service (SAAS) is yet another way to pull money out of users' wallets. If you look at revenues, it's been working very, very well for Adobe.
I have issues with Adobe-as-a-corporation beyond that - but they mostly have to do with Adobe trying to 'own' the PDF format. The did some fairly underhanded things that just "pushed my buttons" - but I continued to buy PS, as it was the only product that did a decent job with CMYK (and I had the occasional contract job setting images up for web presses). FWIW, the conversion between RGB and YMYK is IMO quite interesting. Ink is much less than perfect. It spreads on paper. And there's the whole replacing dark colors with a layer of black.
BTW/FWIW, if you're using PS, there are some very interesting things you can do by converting to the CMYK color space - but you have to specify "perfect" inks. LAB is nearly as useful.
Oh, and you're not the first person to suggest I write articles. I guess I'm resistant as I really don't see myself as a 'writer.
These comments are no different than the ones I'd write on in-company forums - and they were far from the most informed - but I worked with literally genius-level folks who were beyond literate. At best I'm a high-normal, struggling to keep up. (probably TMI - sorry)