I often think that it is possible to get through to a leftist and make her/him see that all the assumptions that the person has, the demonizing of people that he/she does not even understand may be possible.
I'm a leftist, albeit center-left.
I’m open to persuasion, but not gas-lighting. I have to ask: what ‘delusions’, exactly do you think we have? Was Charlottesville a delusion? Police violence against black people? Brian Kemp removing thousands of black voters from the rolls? Refusing to consider a Supreme Court Justice nomination until the election? This list goes on, but if you can demonstrate that any of those are a delusion (and I’m not talking about opinions-as-facts), I am persuadable.
I haven’t ‘demonized’ people on the right — but I’m about to give up on your ability to be rational. Maybe you can show me that I’m wrong…?