I'm a Biden voter. I don't think Trump is a warmonger - although you have to admit that almost all of our recent wars have started under Republican administrations (and, yes, Vietnam started under Kennedy, but it was somewhat begun under Eisenhower - and then Nixon screwed the secret peace talks going on between Johnson and N Vietnam - so he could get elected). And Trump came very close to starting wars with both N Korea and Iran. The N Korea stuff was mostly a bluff - that could have blown up in his face, but Iran...
Mueller was pretty clear about collusion, but said it wasn't his place to indict a President, kicked it to Congress - and his mandate forbade him from 'following the money'. I'll be interested to see what happens once Trump loses presidential immunity.
As far as not wanting to know the facts, you realize this administration created the concept of 'alternative facts'? If those are what you mean, then, yeah, I'm uninterested.
Also, the phrase 'Democrat cities' marks you as someone who regularly uses words like 'libtard'. With that, you are very far from getting anyone on the rational side to listen to you, let alone reevaluate, well, anything.