I'm 69. I've tapered down to two and a half days a week Still swimming. Still rowing. Motorcycle racing, not so much (the older I get the faster I used to be). Still learning new things - although
I think I might be too old for yet another language - at least fluently.
I'll probably transition into 'fully retired' in a year or two (getting letters from Social Security telling me to register for payments now as waiting past 70 doesn't make 'em any bigger).
I still like what I do - after decades of knowing how to fix coworkers tech issues, but not having the time (schedule pressure) - I now can just fix the issue. So it 'scratches an itch' for me.
For anyone approaching 65 but expecting to work a few more years and put off SS payments: Medicare is not free. If you're collecting SS it gets deducted, otherwise you get a bill. Also, as-is, Medicare only provides catastrophic coverage. Look at "medi-gap" insurance. If you still travel internationally, make sure your medi-gap covers when you're out of the US (some don't - and Medicare is US-only).