If you find Marmite a bit too harsh, but like the umami hit, try Vegemite (developed in Aus during — I think — WWI as there were supply/transport issues). Not an exact duplicate as Marmite was a ‘secret formula’, took the Auzzies some years to duplicate it. I got hooked on it while in NZ.
Also try ‘Better than Bouillon’, which is a bouillon concentrate based around hydrolyzed yeast. Their vegetable bouillon is, in my opinion, better than any other, including the non-concentrated ones, on a par with the veggie bouillon I can make myself — but my ‘secret ingredient’ is Vegemite.
And, if you find yourself liking yeast in general, try nutritional yeast, which comes as yellow flakes that can be dusted on, well, whatever. I particularly like it on popcorn.