>>If you could be a little more specific...
As a background, I've been trying to understand what goes wrong with insulin/glucose since my dad was diagnosed with T2DM in the late 80s. There's been a really lot going on in that area in the last couple of decades - but other than having the stats background to be able to read studies (and decent reading comprehension), I find I'm taking the chemistry involved "on faith".
Most recently, I've been working through Gerald Schulman's NMR work on the insulin response cascade (and IR from an OH group on a diglyceride backbone). I've been looking at lipid metabolism for the last couple of years, so this pathology seems to make perfect sense - but, again, the 'on faith' bit.
So, I need more chemistry, which I've been working on. I've gotten to the point that bond diagrams make sense - and I have the physics to understand the different kinds of bonds (although that wasn't a known thing back when I was in school - dinosaur here).
Yeah, pretty idiosyncratic - and I'd be amazed if there were many readers out there have the same 'holes' in their education - so I was just hoping for some pointers to online courses, best textbooks to start with - even at the HS level. I never got even HS chemistry as it was a choice between that and AP Physics which needed Calculus.
I'd also love to find a forum for people learning this stuff. I learned back in HS that the best way to not fool yourself that you understand something is to teach it to someone else.