If you consider that acrylamides are formed as foods are subjected to high heat you'd think that lighter roasts would be lower than darker ones. That's what I thought as well. Turns out I was wrong (and you might have been, too). There seems to be an inverse relationship. I found a site that put the FDA-released data into a table. https://www.healwithfood.org/articles/coffee-acrylamide-levels.php
Also note how the acrylamide drops from what's measured in ground coffee to the coffee brewed from those grounds. For example, on the top line, Folgers ground coffee is 314ppb, but the coffee brewed from it is 10ppb. This suggests that acrylamide isn't particularly water soluble. Also, I'm pretty sure that the FDA brewed coffee using paper filters, so it's possible that a pass through that material is taking some out as well.