I went the bread-machine route, went through quite a few bread machines (starting with a $10 one from the local thrift store), but eventually got a Zojirushi that's lasted more than a decade (300ish loaves / year). It took me quite a few tries to come up with a 100% whole wheat bread that made decent for-sandwiches slices. Here's that recipe. FWIW, metric makes it easy to scale up and down (if you know that a ml of water weighs 1g).
207-235ml Water (depends on machine and brand of WW flour)
42g (2Tb) Honey
28g (2Tb) Butter
350g (2⅓-2½C) WW Flour
6g (1tsp) Salt
12g (¼C) Powdered milk
4g (1tsp) Yeast
Wet ingredients first, then flour. Spread flour so no water shows. Add remaining dry ingredients, then yeast
Set time you want the loaf done
Press <start>
Hope this helps someone. Pretty nice to wake up to the smell of baking bread in the morning...