I was wondering why Loma Linda is in that list. Turns out that it's due to a congregation / settlement / whatever-the-right-word-is of Seventh Day Adventists there. I've spent a little time with Seventh Day Adventists in the Caribbean (St. Lucia, I think). They were vegetarian, with a focus on food purity, the body being 'God's Temple' and anything impure being an insult to their Creator. I didn’t see alcohol or coffee. Great people. I'd be delighted to have them as neighbors.
That said, Sikhs live by similar dietary rules (plus ice cream - they sometimes call themselves 'ice cream yogis') and they have (what is to me) quite exhausting physical meditation as part of their practice - plus showers are cold water only.
I don't see any 'blue zones' centered around Sikh ashrams, which makes me wonder about the differences between the two practices.
FWIW, if you're wondering, back in the mid 80s I was part owner of a (large) group house about a mile from an ashram; we'd often have long term guests - and occasionally go join a meal at the ashram. Our guests would sometimes comment that a cold shower in New England was 'quite a different experience' than one in Southern CA (only reason I know about the showers).