I love tinned sardines - particularly the King Oscar ones packed in EVOO. Also 'sprats' from the Baltic (big in Europe, but we Americans don't seem to get them much)
I spent a week in the Azores (part of Portugal, but out in the mid-Atlantic). My favorite food there? Sardines - but not in a can. They're a good bit larger than the ones we find in cans (about 6-9" long - or given that it's Portugal, about 15-24cm), cooked over coals.
If you get to the Azores - or an Azorean restaurant, give 'em a try. They might not be on the menu, but ask, and they'll probably have 'em.
Also, it was the one time in my life I got to drive a Lamborghini... tractor :-) Google it. It's as though International Harvester also made exotic cars.