I find your choice of the word "hubris" interesting. Thinking I must be thinking of some other usage, I looked it up:
- Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance.
- Excessive pride, presumption or arrogance (originally toward the gods).
- overbearing pride or presumption
I'm pretty sure I'm not feeling any of that towards the people who are unvaccinated. I'm just completely out of patience with them - and consider any additional deaths that happen to people who could not get into the hospital because they're occupying all the beds to be squarely on them - as is the burn-out of hospital personnel.
I'd prefer that we have two different hospital queues: one for infected unvaccinated, the other for everyone else - and that a few ICU beds be held open for things like accident victims and heart attacks. I don't have a moral philosophy argument to support this; it's just what 'feels fair'.