I don't think bicyclists less than human - but they can be a lot less predictable than motor vehicles (including motorcycles, riders of which are often called 'bikers') - particularly if they're ridden by preteens. I'm as cautious when one of those is on or alongside the road as I am when there's an animal (cat / dog / deer / moose / cattle / horse) so I do kind-of treat them the same. :-) And the old "behind a bouncing ball comes a running child" has saved me at least once.
BTW, if it's a large animal (moose / cattle / horse) and they've come out onto the road in front of you, expect them to keep going. If they're out completely in the roadway you're more likely to avoid a collision if you aim *behind* them. I've had a few close encounters of the moose kind - and hitting a moose can kill you as they're tall enough that they often come through the windshield. Drive/ride safe out there!