I don’t disagree that the #VBMNW ‘persuasion’ is too heavy handed. But we’ve had four years of His Malignant Incompetence. People pretty invested in not having another four — and are still pissed about the last election, so you’re getting some of their feelings about Bernie Bros who decided to not vote or vote Independent. I was a Bernie supporter in the 2016 primaries, and was appalled at his lukewarm support of the eventual candidate.
But that’s all water under the bridge / over the dam. I’m not holding any grudges. I agree that a two party system sucks — but the choice then was Hillary or Donald. Now it’s come down to Joe or Donald. Turn on a TV, watch what comes out of Trump’s mouth at a daily COVID briefing, match that to what he’s actually doing — and make up your own mind. But please don’t delude yourself that voting Independent (or not voting) will get us a new administration.